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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

1. 作状语
1) 作状语修饰动词
* Have you seen him lately? 你最近见到过他吗?
* The little girl was badly treated by her step-mother. 这个小女孩受到她继母的虐待。
* He angrily tore up the letter. 他很生气,把信撕碎了。
* If you don't mind, David wants to see you personally in his office. 如果你不介意,大卫想在他的办公室与你单独见面。
* Strictly scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there without lifting her head. 女孩被老师严厉地批评着,坐在那里头也没抬。

2) 修饰形容词
* Tom is fairly clever,but Peter is rather stupid.汤姆相当聪明,而彼得就颇笨
* The boxes are not big enough.这个盒子不够大。
* Some animals are really pretty and lovely. 一些动物真是很漂亮很可爱的。

3) 修饰副词
* You're driving too fast. 你开车开得太快了。
* I can't hear very clearly. 我听得不是很清楚。
* They worked very hard this morning. 他们今天早上工作很努力。

4) 修饰整个句子
* Usually I go to bed at ten. 通常我十点上床睡觉。
* Frankly, I am not satisfied with your work.说实在的,我对你的工作不满意。

2. 作表语
* The fire has been out for half an hour. 火已熄灭半个小时了。
* The gas is off. 煤气关上了。
* Time is up. Let's hurry. 时间到了。咱们快点吧!
* Is your mother in? 你母亲在家吗?
* Class is over. 下课了。
* Is the radio on or off? 收音机是开着的还是关着的?
* What's up? 发生了什么事?
* One of the tyres is down. 一只轮胎没气了。
* Have you been abroad before? 你以前出过国吗?

3. 作定语
* The man upstairs felt very angry with the man downstairs.楼上的人对楼下的人非常生气。
* Life here is full of joy. 这儿的生活充满了欢乐。
* The shops around are very cheap. 附近商店的东西很便宜。

4. 作宾语补足语
* We must try to help him through. 我们必须设法帮他渡过难关。
* Her mother kept her away from school. 她妈妈不让她上学了。
* Do you want to ask her in? 你想让她进来吗?
* They saw me off last week. 上周他们为我送行。

5. 用于构成成语动词
* She doesn't give up easily. 她做任何事都不轻易放弃。
* He always gets up early in the morning. 他早上总是很早起床。
* What time am I supposed to check in? 我该什么时候去办理登记手续?

下一篇: 副词的比较级和最高级

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