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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2016-04-01



1) 连接两个或多个完全独立的但是有紧密关系的分句
Frank wanted to go to the cinema; Betty did not want to go. 弗兰克想去看电影,贝蒂不想去。
I've told you what the situation is; you must act accordingly. 我已经把情况告诉你了,你得采取相应的行动。

[注:] 两个分句时,第二分句常可有过渡词,如 however、nevertheless 等。
Bill went to school as usual; however, Susan went to the beach. 比尔照常去上学了,但是苏珊却去了海边。
There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping. 尽管毫无消息,我们仍抱着希望。
It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful. 我觉得它并不丑,恰恰相反,它挺美。

2) 当两个或两个以上等立的分句本身含有逗号,可用分号分隔开,避免读者阅读时混淆。
When we set off, it was quite warm; but before we had gone three miles, it began getting chilly. 我们出发时天气还很暖和,但走不到3英里天气就开始转凉了。
Now, at the end of 1955, people were marrying like flies; it is unlucky to marry in a leap year. 到了1955年年底,人们大批大批地结婚; 因为第二年是闰年,人们认为闰年结婚不吉利。

3) 当列举事物很多,则可用分号进行归类
The breakfast menu consisted of fruit juice or cereal; a boiled, fried, or poached egg; toast and marmalade; and a pot of tea of coffee. 早餐的菜单包括果汁和麦片粥; 煮旦、煎蛋或水煮荷包蛋;烤面包片和桔子果酱;一壶茶或者咖啡。

上一篇: 英语引号的用法
下一篇: 英语句号、问号、感叹号的用法

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